A Virtual Reality Training System For Strategic Operations


In collaboration with the University of Hong Kong, LSCM developed a virtual reality (VR) training system  which allows users to conduct training in a fully immersive CAVE-like VR environment.This VR Training System for Hong Kong professionals gives users the opportunity to experience the life-like scenarios of complex operations and interact dynamically with such an environment in a controlled space. Activities are recorded, and behaviour is analysed as it develops in real-time.

  • A Virtual Reality Training System For Strategic Operations 0
  • A Virtual Reality Training System For Strategic Operations 1
  • A Virtual Reality Training System For Strategic Operations 2
Research completion
Commercialisation opportunities
technology licensing
Problem addressed

It delivers a novel and cost-effective solution for the training and evaluation of professionals in decision making and high-order skills.

  • The virtual reality-empowered system capitalises the virtual reality technology with artificial intelligence methods to deliver an integrated system that create a cost-effective, versatile and reconfigurable, interactive and immersive training environment that supports evidence and discovery-based training in operation planning and decision making.
  • It transmits life-like scenarios of complex operations through visualisation and dynamic interaction, while users’ activities and behaviour are recorded and analysed.
Key impact
  • The system is able to train high-level management and technical professionals to make strategic decisions during critical operations in a timely manner.
  • Silver Medal in the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva in 2019
  • Operation training
  • Skill profiling for management and technical professionals in logistics and services sectors
Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM)

Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM) was founded in 2006, with funding from the Innovation and Technology Fund of The Government of the Hong Kong SAR, and is co-hosted by the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. It aims to strengthen the local logistics sector and related industries by providing a one-stop resource for applied research and technology transfer, and to reinforce cooperation between the industry and research institutes to bring about meaningful and significant impact on the industry and the community. 

LSCM serves the industry by initiating research projects, contract research, as well as providing business matching opportunities, technology transfer and intellectual property commercialisation. LSCM initiates technology and knowledge transfer to the marketplace to promote industrial digitalisation, facilitate technology advancement and strengthen Hong Kong’s position as a leading logistics and commercial hub.
