Innovation Hub@HK is launched by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It aims at showcasing research and development (R&D) outcomes of Hong Kong’s public research institutes to facilitate commercialisation and technology transfer to the industry. Through Innovation Hub@HK, you can have access to information about the deliverables of the applied research work of Hong Kong's top researchers, get in touch with the relevant research institutes and explore how their research outcomes could help upgrade and transform your business.
Innovation Hub@HK now covers selected research deliverables of the following research institutes. More research institutes will be joining Innovation Hub@HK in the years ahead.
The Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) develops and implements policies and measures with the mission to spearhead Hong Kong's drive to become a world-class, knowledge-based economy. Our work includes: providing world-class technology infrastructure for enterprises, research institutes and universities; offering financial support to stakeholders in the academia, research sector and industry to conduct applied R&D and commercialise their R&D results; nurturing innovation and technology (I&T) talent and promoting technological entrepreneurship; strengthening I&T collaboration with the Mainland and other economies; and fostering a vibrant I&T culture in the community.
To learn more about Hong Kong’s I&T initiatives and funding schemes, please visit the following websites: