CAiRS developed fault diagnosis with AI ensemble methods for predictive maintenance of engine cooling system. The thermodynamic principles of the Engine Cooling System, Coolant Temperature, Fuel Rate, Air Temperature and Fan Speed have been studied and identified as the key parameters associated with the health status of the system.
Bus engine overheating incidents due to the breakdown of various sub-systems or components (e.g., thermostat) will eventually resulted in service disruption on the road. This could lead to complaints from passengers and difficulties in fleet management. An engine cooling system in bus vehicles comprises many sub-components including thermostat, water pump, radiator, cooling fans and pipes. Failures would lead to engine overheat and vehicle breakdown on the road.
As “New-industrialisation” has gained momentum in Hong Kong in recent years, the city’s new growth agenda now depends on the application of innovative technologies to streamline manufacturing process for the development of high value-added industries and industry supply chains locally. In addition to regenerate manufacturing that once played a major role in the economy.
Today, Hong Kong’s brands represent safe and reliable products and systems, and the Centre for Advances in Reliability and Safety (CAiRS) has been established to ensure and elevate “trust” in Hong Kong products using a top-down, problem-centric and collaborative approach. Through our collaborating research projects with industry, not only accelerate the "commercialization of scientific research results", but also expediting the transformation of "from 1 to N" results. CAiRS consolidates local and overseas’ talents to improve the innovative eco-system.