Echo-FAS: Acoustic-based Face Anti-Spoofing


Robust spoof-proof security system for face ID verification on mobile devices, based on live global/local 3D acoustic profiling using the existing speaker and mic, and with no need to add any expensive hardware.

  • Echo-FAS: Acoustic-based Face Anti-Spoofing 0
  • Echo-FAS: Acoustic-based Face Anti-Spoofing 1
  • Echo-FAS: Acoustic-based Face Anti-Spoofing 2
Research completion
Commercialisation opportunities
Technology licensing agreement
Problem addressed

This invention presented a novel acoustic-based framework to tackle the face anti-spoofing problem. Acoustic data can effectively reflect much depth information about input faces, largely ignored in the RGB modality.

  • Echo-FAS, which employs the crafted acoustic signal as the probe to perform face liveness detection.
  • This invention first proposes to build a large-scale, high-diversity, and acoustic-based FAS database, Echo-Spoof. Then, based upon Echo-Spoof, this invention proposes designing a novel two-branch framework that combines the global and local frequency clues of input signals to distinguish inputs, live vs. spoofing faces accurately.
Key impact
  • This invention only requires one front speaker and microphone as the data collection sensors.
  • Echo-FAS is cost-effective and can be readily deployed on commodity mobile devices in a plug-and-play fashion.
  • Compared with the RGB data that adversarial attack techniques can quickly attack, the designed acoustic signal is emitted by the system itself. Therefore, it is more secure and much more difficult to attack or manipulate even by expert attackers.
  • 48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva (IEIG) - Gold Medal
  • This invention can be a commercial software product with the minor revision when it is applied to the face anti-spoofing.


  • Patent number: 18/057,259 (USA) PWG/PA/1316/8/2022 (USA)
City University of Hong Kong (CityU)

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