This Pure Electric Minibus with Swappable Batteries is natively designed to cater for busy commercial vehicles operation in Hong Kong. The drained battery can be automatically replaced by full power battery within seven minutes, which is eight times faster than recharging the battery. Without sacrificing commercial fleet efficiency, this zero-emission public transport vehicle greatly enhances the roadside air quality. The stable low floor design offers better accessibility and safer ride experience for children and the elderly. It is also equipped with a monitoring system to send real-time operation data to the fleet centre.
Operation mode of Hong Kong Public Light Bus is not in favour of long recharging time. The two-doorstep entrance leads to potential danger and obstructs the usage of wheelchair.
Automotive Platforms and Application Systems (APAS) R&D Centre was established in 2006 by the Innovation and Technology Commission of HKSAR Government and hosted by the Hong Kong Productivity Council. The Centre undertakes R&D programmes as well as commercialising R&D results in collaboration with industry, universities and technology institutes for the development of the APAS technology. Since its establishment, APAS R&D Centre has carried out over 100 R&D projects and focus on 3 R&D areas, Green Transportation, Smart Mobility and Intelligent Systems. To facilitate greater synergy and further enhance cost effectiveness, APAS is form part of the Hong Kong Productivity Council with effect from 1 Nov 2012.