C2i Insectarium


C2i has established a state-of-the-art insectarium, the only biosecure facility for live mosquito research in Hong Kong, using well-established and innovative protocols for insecticide resistance testing, and potential R&D in repellents and pest control strategy.

  • C2i Insectarium 0
  • C2i Insectarium 1
  • C2i Insectarium 2
Commercialisation opportunities
Technology licensing agreement, service providing
Problem addressed

Insecticide is a major tool to control mosquito populations which help to mitigate and prevent mosquito-borne diseases such as Dengue and Zika. However, insecticides' effectiveness is compromised by the increasing development of resistance in mosquitoes worldwide. Resistance profile is largely unknown in Hong Kong's mosquito populations. To identify effective insecticide ingredients, it is important to test the suspectibility in local mosquito populations.

  • Development of AI for mosquito species identification.
  • Optimized insecticide resistance testing method.
Key impact
  • With the ability to breed mosquitoes and develop colonies, the C2i Insectarium provides a unique opportunity to study live populations of mosquitoes, screen for effective insecticide, investigate their behaviour and develop control measures.
  • Arthropod containment insectarium provides a safe and secure environment for the study of mosquitoes.
  • Public Health management and policies on mosquito control
  • Testing capabilities for development of mosquito control innovations


  • Patents filed

Centre for Immunology & Infection

Addressing Public Health Issues Posed by Emerging Infectious Diseases

The rise of infectious diseases poses a significant threat to human health and public health systems globally. With the objective of deepening the understanding of human response to viruses and diseases, the Centre for Immunology & Infection (C2i) will contribute to establishing Hong Kong as a global centre of excellence for precision medicine tailored to population strategies and formulate innovative solutions for public health challenges with special attention to emerging infectious diseases.

A major focus of C2i is to apply a new technology platform established by the Institut Pasteur to develop an Immune Report Card for individuals, which will help define the health of one’ s immune system — the first line defence mechanism against diseases. The work will take into consideration individual genetics, previous infection histories, resident microbiota, as well as personal lifestyle and environmental factors to come up with personalised patient management strategies and improve the effectiveness of future public health initiatives.
