Label-free High-throughput Multi-physical Cell Cytometer


Microfluidic cell cytometer using AI to measure size, elastic modulus and dielectric constant of single cells at a throughput matching that of commercial flow cytometry but without the need for cell labeling.

  • Label-free High-throughput Multi-physical Cell Cytometer
Research completion
Commercialisation opportunities
Technology licensing agreement
Problem addressed

Mechanical and electrical properties exhibit cell phenotypes in different aspects. Multiparametric phenotyping of individual cells for both mechanical and electrical properties can achieve a more promising prognostic/diagnostic strategy.

  • Cell elastic modulus are well known to be related to malignancy and invasiveness of tumor cells and immunological state of immune cells.
  • The electric permittivity reflects intercellular communication, cell adhesion, and nutrient absorption.
  • Using artificial intelligence to resolve the signal acquired from electrodes embedded under the microchannel, it can quantify uncoupled geometric (cell size), mechanical (elastic modulus) and electrical (dielectric constant) properties of each cell flowing in a microfluidic device, at a throughput comparable to the commercial flow cytometry.
Key impact
  • Label-free
  • Camera-free
  • High-throughput
  • 48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva (IEIG) - Gold Medal
  • Flow Cytometer
  • Cell sorting
  • Drug screening
  • Drug delivery


  • Filing number 63/304,477 (USA)
  • Filing number 18/161,005 (USA)
City University of Hong Kong (CityU)

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