Nano-Herbal Capsules for Health and Wellness


NAMI successfully turns conventional decoctions into capsules by taking advantage of the state-of-the-art nanotechnology.

  • Nano-Herbal Capsules for Health and Wellness
Commercialisation opportunities
Non-exclusive licensing
Problem addressed

Herbal decoctions are becoming more popular as beverage. However, the preparation of decoctions is time-consuming and inconvenient. NAMI’s herbal capsules are compatible with commercially available coffee capsule machine for fast and convenient brewing.

  • Herbal decoctions are turned into easily dissolvable nano-crystals which are packaged in capsules for fresh herbal drinks with the use of coffee capsule machine.
  • NAMI’s herbal capsules can be customized with different herbal combinations and serving size to fit the formulation requirements for specific healthcare needs.
Key impact
  • Rich chemical profile comparable to hour-long brewing
  • Herbal decoction ready in one minute
  • Tailor-made herbal formulation
  • Quick serve and tasty
  • Gold Medal at the “2019 Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions”
  • Infused tea
  • Distinctive nano herbal capsule
  • Innovative herbal-infused healthy drinks  
Nano and Advanced Materials Institute (NAMI)

As a Materials Expert, Nano and Advanced Materials Institute (NAMI) has a strong portfolio of innovative technologies to support and collaborate with the industry, offering frontier-applied research on advanced materials as well as technology transfer for commercialization success.

NAMI, incorporated in 2006, is designated by the Innovation and Technology Commission of the Hong Kong Government as a Research and Development Center for nanotechnology and advanced materials. NAMI undertakes and provides support for market-driven research in nanotechnology and advanced materials, and strives for commercialization of the technologies to benefit the industry and the society at large, as well as re-industrialization to promote the economic growth and sustainability of Hong Kong.
